Please note that the official course website is on Canvas (log in with CNetID), NOT here. This webpage is for those who are interested in STAT 22600 to get an idea of what the course is like.

Click STAT 22600-2017 to view the older STAT 226 webpages for Winter 2017.


STAT 22000 or 23400 with a grade of at least B-; or 24500, or PBHS 32100, or AP Statistics, or equivalent, and two-quarters of calculus (MATH 13200, 15200, or 16200). Students are expected to have familiarity with

Course Description

This course covers statistical methods for the analysis of qualitative and counted data. Topics include description and inference for binomial and multinomial data using proportions and odds ratios; multi-way contingency tables; generalized linear models for discrete data; logistic regression for binary responses; multi-category logit models for nominal and ordinal responses; loglinear models for count data; and inference for matched-pairs and correlated data. Applications and interpretations of statistical models are emphasized.


Primary Textbook: An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 3rd Edition (2019), by Alan Agresti

Other recommended reference books (not required)

Course Schedule and Slides

Week/Date Slides Topic Textbook
Week 1&2 – Jan. 4, 6, 9 L01_02 Binomial, Likelihood, MLE of Binomial Proportions;
Wald, Score, Likelihood Ratio Tests of Binomial Proportions
Section 1.1-1.4
L01_supp L01 Supplement: Chi-Squared Distributions and Chi-Squared Tests
Week 2 – Jan. 9 L03 Small Sample Inference (Exact Binomial Tests and CIs) Section 1.4.3
Week 2 – Jan. 9, 11 L04 Diff. in Proportion, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio Section 2.2-2.3
Week 2 – Jan. 11, 13 L05 Type of Studies, Odds Ratios can be estimated Prospectively & Retrospectively Section 2.1, 2.3
Week 3 – Jan. 16, 18 L06 Pearson’s X^2 and Likelihood Ratio G^2 Test of Independence Section 2.4
Week 3 – Jan. 20 L07 Fisher’s Exact Tests Section 2.6
Week 3&4 – Jan. 20, 23 L08 Association in Three Way Tables Section 2.7
Week 4 – Jan. 23, 25 L09 Generalized Linear Models Section 3.1-3.2
Week 4 – Jan. 25-27 L10_11 Simple Logistic Regression
Wald tests & CIs, Likelihood Ratio Tests & CI, Confidence Interval for \(\pi(x)\)
Section 4.1-4.2
Week 5 – Jan. 30 L12_13 Logistic Regression w/ Categorical Predictors;
Multiple Logistic Regression
Section 4.3-4.4
Week 5 – Feb. 1 L14 Models w/ Ordinal Explanatory Variables; Models Allowing Interactions Btw Explanatory Variables Section 4.3-4.4
Week 5 – Feb. 3 - Midterm Exam, No Class -
Week 6 – Feb. 6 L15 Bumpus Nature Selection Data (Models w/ Several Explanatory Variables) Section 4.4
Week 6 – Feb. 6, 8 L16 Logistic Regression for Retrospective Studies Section 4.1.4
Week 6 – Feb. 8, 10 L17 Conversion Between Tables, Long Format and Wide Format Data; Logistic Regression for Multiway Data
Week 7 – Feb. 13 L18 Deviance, Goodness of Fit for Grouped and Ungrouped Data Section 5.2-5.3
Week 7 – Feb. 13 L19 Residuals, Sparse Data Section 5.2-5.3
Week 7 – Feb. 15, 17 L20 Baseline-Category Logit Models Section 6.1
Week 7&8 – Feb. 17, 20 L21 Cumulative Logit Models Section 6.2
Week 8 – Feb. 20, 22, 24 L22_24 Poisson Distributions Review; GLM Models for Poisson Response Data; Models for Rate Data; Overdispersion, Negative Binomial Regression Section 3.3, 7.6
Week 9 — Feb. 27 L25 McNemar’s Test and CI for Paired Data Section 8.1
Week 9 — Mar. 1 L26 Population Averaged and Subject-Specific Models Section 8.2
Week 9 — Mar. 3 L27 Comparing Proportions for Multi-Category Matched-Pairs Response Section 8.3