Yali Amit

Departments of Statistics, Computer Science and the College

Image Analysis

Coarse to fine multi-class shape detection.

In A Coarse-to-Fine strategy for Multi-class Shape Detection statistical models for simple scenes of objects are defined as concatenations of object models, where all edges are assmed independent given the poses of the different objects in the scene. The marginal probability at a pixel either given by one of the object models covering that pixel or by some background probability. Starting from this model a coarse to fine strategy is developed to quickly detect candidate object poses. This is based on a hierarchy of tests for subsets of object classes. The coarse to fine phase yields a collection of candidate object/pose pairs. Many such pairs overlap and the ambiguities are resolved with on likelihood ratio tests derived from the statistical models. These provide an efficient test for comparing two objects as well as comparing two competing configurations of objects covering the same image region. The methodology is applied to reading license plates on the rear-ends of cars.

Visual selection and object detection

Objects are represented through flexible star type planar arrangements of binary local features, which are in turn star type planar arrangements of oriented photometrically invariant edge features. Candidate locations are detected over a range of scales and other deformations. The flexibility of the arrangements provides the required invariance. Training involves selecting a small number of stable local features, from a predefined pool, which are well localized on {\it registered} examples of the object. Training therefore requires only small data sets. Detection is achieved through a hierarchical Hough transform. The first level is for detecting all local features in the image, the second level for detecting candidate locations for the object. The features are not derived from analytic properties of geomteric objects as in classical Hough transform applications, rather from local statistics of the training data. The algorithm is very efficient: 100-300 millisconds per 100x100 pixels on the Ultra Sparc II. Some detection examples, for more details see
  • A computational model for visual selection.

    Shape recognition

    Patchwork of parts models .

    A powerful likelihood based approach to recognition is developed in POP:Patchwork of parts models for shape recognition. Elementary edge features that ensure photometric invariance, are assumed independent with certain marginal probabilities at each location on the grid given the object is at reference pose. The set of marginal probabilities assigned to each pixel is called the template probability map. The edges are assumed independent given other instantiations of the object. These are described in terms of the locations of a small number of points of interest with assigned reference locations at reference pose. The marginals given a particular instantiation are obtained by translating subwindows of the probability maps around the reference locations to the location of the point of interest. Inconsistencies due to several windows covering a particular pixel are resolved by averaging the proposed marginals from wach covering window. This leads to a POP:patchwork of parts model. Estimation of the templates is also done locally, estimating the window of probabilies around each reference point. This can be formulated in a clean way as a maximum likelihood problem where the translation associated to each subwindow is unobserved. An EM algorithm is a natural methodology for computing the maximum likelihood under the observed data. This model allows us to process images with multiple objects without pre-segementation. Configurations of single object models are hypothesized and the most likely configuration is chosen. The use of simple generative models for the objects enables the computation of the likelihood of object configurations.

    Randomized decision trees

    An approach to shape recognition using collections of randomized relational classification trees. The questions used to split the trees nodes on the training data involve global geometric arrangements of image tags, described in terms of relational graphs. The tags convey information about local subimage configurations.

    At each tree node a huge family of admissible queries is defined, and only a small random sample is investigated to find the best one in terms of the drop in the conditional entropy of the distribution on classes. This randomization allows for the construction of a collection of weakly correlated trees. Classification of a test image is obtained by finding the mode of the sum of the terminal distributions on the classes reached by the image in each of these trees. These relational decision trees have been applied to handwritten character recognition, where classification rates of over 99% were achieved on the NIST database. For further details see

  • Recognizing shapes from simple queries about geometry .
    A thorough investigation into the properties of this algorithm in the presence of hundreds of shape classes and connections to brain function are described in
  • Shape quantization and recognition with randomized trees .

    Currently we are exploring extensions to gray level images of 3d objects and to face identification in complex scenes.

    Deformable Templates

    2-d and 3-d image matching with elastic deformations.

    These algorithms compute a smooth displacement field in two or three dimensions which is applied to a prototype image to yield a warped image as close as possible to some target image from the same image family. This has been applied to families of medical images: 2-d hand xrays, echocardiograms, 2-d MRI scans of the brain, and 3-d MRI scans. The computations involve the solution of a non-linear variational problem using spectral methods.

  • Example: Matching of axial MRI brain scans of two patients
    For further details see A non-linear variational problem for image matching.

    For the applications of similar ideas in the context of emission tomography for the identification of tumors, see Deformable template models for emission tomography .

    Model registration through graphical templates.

    A prior distribution or cost function is defined on deformations of a graphical template of landmarks constructed from triangles, which penalizes deviations of shape of these triangles. A simple likelihood of the data given the landmark locations is formulated, using robust local operators. An image is scanned for candidates of each of the landmarks. The algorithm picks out the collection of candidates for which the penalty of the match is minimal using dynamic programming on decomposable graphs. This approach yields precise matches of landmarks of interest, and provides an object specific parameterization of shape variation. It provides a generic toolbox for modeling shape in a variety of applications. These models have been applied to hand xrays and different views of MRI brain scans and provide a means for automatic anatomy identification. See image above.

  • Example: sagittal MRI brain scans
    For further details see
  • Graphical templates for model registration .
  • Graphical shape templates for automatic anatomy identification with applications to MRI brain scans .

    Applications to biological imaging

    The methodologies developed above, in particular the use of photometric invariant features and generative models for the objects, enables us to detect and track objects in biological imaging. Confocal microscopy of vesicle dynamics in cells and the movement of worms even when the worms coil.

    Network models for the biological visual system

    Network models for object detection and visual selection

    A network architecture for invariant object detection mimicking the detection algorithm described above , together with connections to the biological visual system is discussed in A neural network architecture for visual selction. Invariant detection of an invoked object model is based on a replica module with multiple copies of the inputs.

    Network models for shape recognition with biologically plausible learning rules.

    In Attractor networks for shape recognition an architecture for learning and recognizing multiple shapes uses a simple two layer network with inputs given by a small collection of predefined edge arrangements and second layer composed of large numbers of neurons with randomly chosen sub-populations representing each class. Connections from the input to the output layer are random as are connections within the output layer. Learning is Hebbian with positive synapses and a field dependent learning rule that stops potentiation when the local field of the neuron is too high. The random connections within the output layer are trained and lead to an attractor dynamic within that layer. Classification is given by the sub-population that remains active after presentation of the input and the convergence of the attractor dynamic to a stable state.

    Recently in Recurrent network of perceptrons with three state synapses we discovered that a slight modification of the above networks yields much more powerful classifiers. Instead of two-state synapses (0/1) connecting the input feature layer to the output layer we use three-state (0/1/2) synapses together with feed-forward inhibition that makes the effective weights of the synapses (-1/0/1). This small modification allows the learning algorithm to separate two types of informative features - those that are high probability on class and low probability off class (for which the synaptic state becomes 1), and those with low probability on class and high probabilty off class (for which the synaptic state becomes -1). All non-informative features end up with synaptic state 0. In addition adding inhibition in the attractor layer allows for stable recurrent dynamics in which the class with most active neurons remains active and all others class neurons are inactivated.

    A comprehensive neural network architecture for invariant object detection and recognition

    The detection and recognition networks described above are integrated in An integrated network for invariant visual detection and recognition. It is proposed that the replica module (see above) can be obtained by creating a moderate number of copies of the input layers and properly wiring their inputs and outputs to the higher modules. It is proposed that detection and recognition interact in that detection selects candidate locations and the data from these locations is passed through the replica module to a recognition module which can eliminate false detections.

    Last update: September 2004

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