Ph.D. students and year of graduation
- Jiacheng Wang, 2022
Dissertation title: "Statistical methods for higher order tensor clustering and completion"
- Lizhen Nie, 2022
Dissertation title: "Statistical methods for change point problems and Bayesian uncertainty
- Tae Kim, 2020
Dissertation title: "Statistical methods for transcriptome data"
- Chris McKennan, 2019
Dissertation title: "Latent Variables in omic data"
- Yunfang Tang, 2018
Dissertation title: "Models and Inference for Microbiome Data"
- Qianying Liu (joint with Lin Chen), 2014
Dissertation title: "Gene-based studies: from population
stratification adjustment to testing for gene-environment interactions"
- Matthew Reimherr, 2013
Dissertation title: "Functional Data Methods for Genome-Wide Association Studies"
- Han Han (joint with Peter McCullagh), 2012
Dissertation title: "From Bayes calculation to efficient integration of
studies: three statistical problems"
- Ryan C. King, 2012
Dissertation title: "The rare variant hypothesis: interpretation and
estimation in sequencing association studies"
- Omar De la Cruz, 2008
Dissertation title: "Geometric Approaches in the
Analysis of Genetic Data"
- Minsun Song, 2008
Dissertation title: "Restricted parameter space models
for testing gene-gene interactions"
- Baoguan Ke, 2008
Dissertation title: "Statistical Methods for Association
Mapping of Quantitative and Binary Trait Loci"
- Irina Ostrovnaya, 2006
Dissertation title: "Estimating Error Rates for
Independent and Dependent Test Statistics"
- Jongwoo Song, 2003
Dissertation title: "A clustering algorithm with applications to gene
expression data "
Masters students and year of graduation
- Shaoxiong (Dennis) Zheng, 2021
Paper title: " Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks "
- Jane Zhang, 2021
Paper title: " Statistical Inference for RNA Editing Rate Comparison "
- Isabela Kernin, 2021
Paper title: " Exploring Host Response to SARS-CoV-2 Through Differential Expression Analysis "
- Yuhan Li, 2020
Paper title: " Detecting Individuals with Abnormal Molecular Aging from DNA Methylation Data "
- Dongyue Xie, 2018
Paper title: " Generalized Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis with Applications to Microbiome Data "
- Guanzhou Chen, 2018
Paper title: " Detecting Gene-Environment (G x E) Interactions with Sparse and Structured E "
- Peter Gao, 2017
Paper title: " Studying eQTL Detection with Methylation Data "
- Yuan (Alice) Hu, 2017
Paper title: " Effectiveness of Addressing Confounding Effects of Population Substructure in Large Scale
Genetic Association Studies "
- Chi-Chun Liu, 2017
Paper title: " Inferring Population Structure with Pooled Genetic Data "
- Siqi Wang, 2017
Paper title: " Bayesian Prior Informativeness Assessment for Multivariate Parameters "
- Mandie Liu, 2017
Paper title: " Modeling the Relationship between Gut Microbiome and Human Behavior Based on Questionnaire
Data from American Gut Project "
- Jang Won Choi, 2017
Paper title: " A Bayesian Investigation of Consumers’ Heterogeneity with the Multinomial Logit Brand
Choice Mode "
- Jay Jeon, 2016
Paper title: " High-Frequency Return, Order Flow, and Traded Volume Dynamics "
- Qian Chen, 2016
Paper title: "Association studies with imperfect phenotypes:
evaluation of methods"
- Deborah Sutton, 2015
Paper title: " Uncovering Epistatic Variants in Gene
Expression Studies"
- Xinyue Li, 2014
Paper title: "Inference of Genetic Similarity
between Tissues from RNA-seq Data"
- Yuefeng Han, 2014
Paper title: "Testing High Dimensional Normality
via Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis"
- Giulia Zardi (University of Bologna), 2013
Paper title: "A Statistical Study About Expression
Variability Quantitative Trait Loci (evQTLs)"
- Jie Peng, 2007
Paper title: "The Feasibility of a Genome-Wide Linkage Study of a Large Asthma Pedigree"
- Stacy Steinberg, 2006
Paper title: "Detection of Relationship Errors in Inbred Pedigrees"
- Nathaniel Loman, 2006
Paper title: "Detection of Allelic Deletion
via Inference of Loss of Heterozygosity in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by
use of a Hidden Markov Model"
- Jake Byrnes (jointly mentored with Vanja Dukic), 2005
Paper title: "Using a
HMM to Identify Ectopic Gene Conversion Events"
- Brinda Bijawat (jointly mentored with Lianne Kurina and Paul J. Rathouz), 2005
Paper title: "The Impact of Coronary Heart Disease and Arthritis on Depressive
Symptoms - A Longitudinal Study"
- Brooke Sowell, 2005
Paper title: "Estimating the Recovery Kinetics of tER Sites"
- Nicholas Chamandy, 2003
Paper title: "The Monopoly Sampler: an illustration of
convergence assessment techniques for Markov chain Monte Carlo"
- Wen-Hsin Feng, 2003
Paper title: "Two-Marker Likelihood based Transmission
Disequilibrium Test for Association Studies"
- Hua Tang, 2003
Paper title: "A New Amino Acid Distance"
- Irina Ostrovnaya, 2003
Paper title: "Improved estimation of the False Discovery
Rate with application to genetic association studies"
- Xin Dong (jointly mentored with Nancy J. Cox), 2002
Paper title: "Maternal and Parent-of-Origin Effects of Serotonin Transporter Gene (SLC6A4) in Autistic
- Ping Zhang, 2001
Paper title: "Empirical Data and Simulation Study of Somatic
Hypermutation in Immunoglobin Genes"