Please note that the official course website is on Canvas (log in with CNetID), NOT here. This webpage is for those who are interested in STAT 23400 to get an idea of what the course is like.
Prerequisites: 3-qtr of Calculus (MATH 133 or 153 or 183 or 162)
Please read the web pages Choosing Your Intro-Stat Course for comparisons among them.
In particular, see for the comparisons STAT 220 v.s 234 and STAT 234 v.s. STAT 244-245.
Consult Yibi ( if you’re interested the Statistics major or minor
Primary Textbook: Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (MMSA), 2nd ed by Devore and Berk
Supplementary Textbook (OIS4) — This is the textbook of STAT 220
Week/Date | Slides | Content | Textbook Coverage (MMSA) |
Week 1 W, 9/28 | L00_Syllabus | Syllabus | – |
Week 1 W, 9/28 | L01 | Probability, Sample Space, Events, Set Theory | Sections 2.1-2.2 |
Week 1 F, 9/30 | L02 | Probability Axioms, Complement Rule, General Addition Rule, Conditional Probability, General Multiplication Rule, Independence | Sections 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 |
Week 2 M, 10/3 | L03A | Bayes’ Theorem | Section 2.4 |
Week 2 M, 10/3 | L03B | Discrete Random Variables | Sections 3.1-3.2 |
Week 2 W, 10/5 | L04 | Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables | Section 3.3 |
Week 2 F, 10/7 | L05 | Binomial Distribution, Part 1 | Section 3.5 |
Week 3 M, 10/10 | L06A | Binomial Distribution, Part 2 | Section 3.5 |
Week 3 M, 10/10 | L06B | Continuous Random Variables | Section 4.1 |
Week 3 W, 10/12 | L07 | Continuous Random Variables, pdf, cdf, expected values, variance, SD | Sections 4.1-4.2 |
Week 3 F, 10/14 | L08 | Normal Distributions | Section 4.3 |
Week 4 M, 10/17 | L09 | Joint Distributions | Section 5.1 |
Week 4 W, 10/19 | L10A | Independent Random Variables | Section 5.1 |
Week 4 W, 10/19 | L10B | Expected Value of Functions of Two Random Variables, Covariance | Section 5.2 |
Week 4 F, 10/21 | L11 (p.1-17) | Covariance and Correlation | Section 5.2 |
Week 5 M, 10/24 | L11 (p.17-27) | More Properties of Covariance, Linear Combinations of Random Variables | Section 5.2 |
Week 5 M, 10/24 | L12 | Conditional Distributions, Conditional Expected Values, Bivariate Normal Distributions | Section 5.3 |
Week 5 W, 10/26 | L13 | Central Limit Theorem | Sections 6.1-6.2 |
Week 5 F, 10/28 | – | In-Class Midterm. No Lecture | – |
Week 6 M, 10/31 | L14 | Data Basics, Histograms, Mean, Median, Five-Number Summary, Boxplots | Sections 1.1-1.4 |
Week 6 W, 11/2 | L15A | Sample Variance/SD | Section 1.4 |
Week 6 11/2, 11/4 | L15B16A | Population & Sample; Point Estimates, Mean Squared Error, Unbiased Estimates | Sections 1.1, 7.1 |
Week 7 11/4, 11/7 | L16B | Overview of Confidence Intervals | Section 8.1 |
Week 7 M, 11/7 | L17 | Confidence Intervals Based on \(t\)-Distributions | Sections 8.1-8.3 |
Week 7 W, 11/9 | L18A | Confidence Interval for Proportion, Sample Size Calculation | Sections 8.1-8.2 |
Week 7 11/9,11/11 | L18B (p.1-13) | General Framework of Hypothesis Testing (Rejection Region and \(P\)-value Approach) | Sections 9.1 |
Week 7 F, 11/11 | L18B (p.1-13) | General Framework of Hypothesis Testing (P-value Approach) | Sections 9.1 |
Week 7-8, 11/11, 11/14 | L19 | Hypothesis Tests About a Population Mean | Section 9.2 |
Week 8 11/14, 11/16 | L20 | t-tests for a Population Mean; Hypothesis Tests of a Proportion | Sections 9.2, 9.3 |
Week 8 W, 11/16 | L21 | Two Sample Tests of Means | Sections 10.1-10.2 |
Week 8 F, 11/18 | L22 | Analysis of Paired Data; Comparing Two Proportions | Sections 10.3-10.4 |
11/21-11/27 | – | Thanksgiving Break | – |
Week 9 M, 11/28 | L23A | Sample Covariance & Correlation | Sections 12.5 |
Week 9 M, 11/28 | L23B | Simple Linear Regression Model & Least Square Regression Line | Sections 12.1-12.2 |
Week 9 W, 11/30 | L24(p.1-26) | Properties of the Least Square Regression Line. Sampling Distributions of the LS Estimates for the Slope and the Intercept | Sections 12.2-12.3 |
Week 9 W, 12/2 | L24(p.27-55) | Hypothesis Tests & Confidence Intervals for the Slope & Intercept; Two Prediction Problems; Multiple R^2 | Sections 12.2-12.3 |
Last Update: 01/09/2023