Course Schedule Planning for Statistics Majors
There are various paths to complete the requirements of the Statistics major. Just pay attention to the following guidelines.
Math Courses
Statistics majors usually start from one of the 3 paths below:
- MATH 18300-18400
- MATH 161X0-162X0-163X0-203X0-204X0-205X0
- MATH (15300 or 18300)-15910-203X0-204X0-205X0
Statistics majors who also major in MATH or Computational Applied Math (CAM) usually take one of the latter two paths.
Although MATH 15300 can replace MATH 18300 to meet the requirement of the Statistics major, the path MATH 15300-18400 is NOT allowed since MATH 15300 alone doesn’t meet the requirement of MATH 18400. Students who took MATH 15300 need to taken an additional course in Linear Algebra (e.g., MATH 19620) to enroll in MATH 18400. Statistics majors are strongly suggested to take MATH 18300 rather than MATH 15300. If you have completed MATH 15300 and want to major in Statistics, please consult Yibi Huang
STAT 24300, 24400, 24500, 25100
After MATH 18400 or 163X0 or 203X0, students can take STAT 24300, 24400, and 25100 in any order or concurrently.
- STAT 24300 can be taken concurrently with MATH 18400.
- STAT 24300 can be replaced by MATH 20250, which can be taken after MATH 15910 or 163X0. Note MATH 18300 or 15300 doesn’t meet the prerequisites of MATH 20250
- STAT 24300 and STAT 24400 must be taken before STAT 24500.
- STAT 24400-24500 can be replaced by STAT 24410-24510, but STAT 24410 requires STAT 25100.
- STAT 24410-24510 are designed for MS students in Statistics
- The combination STAT 24410-24500 is allowed.
- Skills in MATH 18400 (Multivariate Calculus) is very critical to pass STAT 24400. Be sure to review MATH 18400 before taking STAT 24400.
Electives and Other Courses
- STAT 22400 and all other STAT electives can be taken after STAT 24500
- Some electives only require STAT 24400 and hence can be started earlier.
- CMSC 14100-14200 can be taken at any time. If interested in machine learning, it’s better taking CMSC 14100-14200 before any machine learning courses.
- MATH 18500 can be taken at any time after MATH 18300. MATH 18500 does NOT require MATH 18400.
- Students with an AP Statistics or those who have taken STAT 22000 or 23400 can take STAT 22200/22400/22600 directly without STAT 24500.
If You Are Choosing Between the STAT Major and Minor…
Then start from STAT 22000 or 23400 (unless you have an AP Statistics credit) while taking math prerequisites for STAT 24400…
- With STAT 22000 or 23400, you can take STAT 22400 and other electives (STAT 22200 and 22600) that count toward both the STAT major and minor
- Many courses required by the Statistics major (Multivariate Calculus, Linear Algebra, STAT 244, 251) do not count toward the STAT minor
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What are the difference between MATH 18300 and 15300?
- MATH 18300 covers basic Linear Algebra in 2D & 3D, MATH 15300 doesn’t
- need MATH 18300 to take MATH 18400-18500, cannot get into MATH 18400 from 15300 without another course in Linear Algebra
- Allowed path
- MATH 18300-18400
- MATH (15300 or 13300)-MATH 19620-MATH 18400
- MATH 19620 doesn’t count toward STAT major
- Not allowed path
- MATH (15300 or 13300)-18400
- MATH (15300 or 13300)-STAT 24300-MATH 18400
- MATH (15300 or 13300) does NOT meet the pre-req of STAT 24300
Q2: What are the differences between the path MATH 184-185 v.s. MATH 203X0-204X0-205X0
- MATH 184-185 is enough for finishing the STAT major
- MATH 203-204-205 (or MATH 20310-20410-20510, 20320-20420-20520, 207-208-209) better prepare you for Graduate schools in MATH/STAT/ECON/Finance
Q3: What are the difference between STAT 24400-24500 and STAT 24410-24510?
- STAT 24400 requires MATH 184 or MATH 203 or MATH 163 or MATH (15300+15250)
- STAT 24410 needs STAT 251 (probability) in addition
- STAT 24410 shortens the probability theory in STAT 24400 and covers additional topics not in STAT 24400
- STAT 24510 also covers additional topics not in STAT 245
- The combination of STAT 24410-24500 is allowed
- STAT 24410-24510 = STAT 30030-30040 are designed for MS students in Statistics. About 2/3 of the students in STAT 24410-24510 are MS students in Statistics
CONTACT: For further questions about the course planning for the Statistics major, please contact Yibi Huang at
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here does not supersede or replace the Statistics College Catalog
Information valid as of January 23, 2025