ASTR 21000 |
Statistical Techniques in Astrophysics |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
BIOS 20151 |
Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology
(Basic) |
Biological Sciences |
BIOS 20152 |
Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology
(Advanced) |
Biological Sciences |
BIOS 26210 |
Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences I |
Biological Sciences |
BIOS 26211 |
Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences II |
Biological Sciences |
BUSN 32100 |
Data Analysis With R and Python |
Booth |
BUSN 41000 |
Business Statistics |
Booth |
BUSN 41100 |
Applied Regression Analysis |
Booth |
BUSN 41203 |
Financial Econometrics |
Booth |
CEGU 26400 |
Quantitative Methods in Public Policy |
CHDV 20101 |
Applied Statistics in Human Development Research |
Comparative Human Development |
CMSC 118=STAT 118 |
Introduction to Data Science I |
Computer Science |
CMSC 13600 |
Introduction to Data Engineering |
Computer Science |
CMSC 239 |
Data Visualization |
Computer Science |
DATA 261 |
Statistical Pitfalls and Misinterpretation of Data |
Data Science |
ECON 11310 |
Big Data and Better Decisions |
Economics |
PBHS 321 |
Introduction to Biostatistics |
Public Health |
PHYS 27900 |
Statistical and Thermal Physics |
Physics |
SOCI 20004 |
Statistical Methods of Research |
Sociology |
SOCI 20278=SOSC 26032=MACS 20500=ENST 20550 |
Computing for the Social Sciences |
SOCI 20283 |
Introduction To GIS And Spatial Analysis For Social
Scientists |
Sociology |
SOCI 20289=SOCI 30289=EDSO 20289=EDSO30289 |
Intermediate Regression and Data Science |
SOSC 26006 |
Foundations for Statistical Theory |
STAT 243 |
Numerical Linear Algebra |
Statistics |
STAT 244 |
Statistical Theory and Methods I |
Statistics |
STAT 24410 |
Statistical Theory and Methods Ia |
Statistics |
STAT 251 |
Introduction to Mathematical Probability |
Statistics |
STAT 25150 |
Introduction to Mathematical Probability |
Statistics |
STAT 253 |
Introduction to Probability Models |
Statistics |
STAT 280 |
Optimization |
Statistics |
STAT 282 |
Dynamical Systems with Applications |
Statistics |