NOTE: Additionally, courses bearing an ECON xxxxx number may NOT be used in the Statistics Minor
Course Number Course Title Department Teaching the Course
ASTR 21000 Statistical Techniques in Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics
BIOS 20151 Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology (Basic) Biological Sciences
BIOS 20152 Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology (Advanced) Biological Sciences
BIOS 26210 Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences I Biological Sciences
BIOS 26211 Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences II Biological Sciences
BUSN 32100 Data Analysis With R and Python Booth
BUSN 41000 Business Statistics Booth
BUSN 41100 Applied Regression Analysis Booth
BUSN 41203 Financial Econometrics Booth
CEGU 26400 Quantitative Methods in Public Policy
CHDV 20101 Applied Statistics in Human Development Research Comparative Human Development
CMSC 118=STAT 118 Introduction to Data Science I Computer Science
CMSC 13600 Introduction to Data Engineering Computer Science
CMSC 239 Data Visualization Computer Science
DATA 261 Statistical Pitfalls and Misinterpretation of Data Data Science
ECON 11310 Big Data and Better Decisions Economics
PBHS 321 Introduction to Biostatistics Public Health
PHYS 27900 Statistical and Thermal Physics Physics
SOCI 20004 Statistical Methods of Research Sociology
SOCI 20278=SOSC 26032=MACS 20500=ENST 20550 Computing for the Social Sciences MACSS
SOCI 20283 Introduction To GIS And Spatial Analysis For Social Scientists Sociology
SOCI 20289=SOCI 30289=EDSO 20289=EDSO30289 Intermediate Regression and Data Science
SOSC 26006 Foundations for Statistical Theory
STAT 243 Numerical Linear Algebra Statistics
STAT 244 Statistical Theory and Methods I Statistics
STAT 24410 Statistical Theory and Methods Ia Statistics
STAT 251 Introduction to Mathematical Probability Statistics
STAT 25150 Introduction to Mathematical Probability Statistics
STAT 253 Introduction to Probability Models Statistics
STAT 280 Optimization Statistics
STAT 282 Dynamical Systems with Applications Statistics