Required Courses

Course Number Course Title Quarters Offered in 2024-25
STAT 224 = PBHS 32400 Applied Regression Analysis Autumn, Spring
STAT 22401 = PBHS 32410 Regression Analysis for Health and Social Research Winter
STAT 222 Linear Models and Experimental Design Spring
STAT 226 Analysis of Categorical Data Winter
STAT 227 = PBHS 327 Biostatistical Methods Spring

Introductory Statistics Courses

Course Number Course Title Quarters Offered in 2024-25
STAT 220 Statistical Methods and Applications Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
STAT 234 Statistical Models and Methods Autumn, Winter, Spring

Other Approved Electives

Electives Offered by the Statistics Department

Caution: The prerequisites given in the table below are just a summary. See Statistics College Catalog for the course description and the detailed prerequisites. Please check the prerequisites of the courses before including them in your minor degree plan.

Course Number Course Title Quarters Offered in 2024-25 Brief Prerequisites
STAT (118-)1191 Introduction to Data Science (I-)II Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer None
STAT 27410 Intro to Bayesian Data Analysis Winter (STAT 234 or 244) + (STAT 224 or 226 or 245)
STAT 245 Statistical Theory and Methods II Winter, Spring STAT 244 + Linear Algebra
STAT 24510 Statistical Theory and Methods IIa Winter STAT 24410 + Linear Algebra
STAT 24630 Causal Inference Methods and Case Studies Autumn STAT 234 + (STAT 251 or 244)
STAT 261 Time Dependent Data Autumn STAT 245
STAT 263 Introduction to Statistical Genetics Spring STAT 245
STAT 274 Nonparametric Inference Winter STAT 244 + Regression
STAT 27815 Practical R Programming Autumn STAT 220 or higher
STAT 27850 Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability Not Offerred STAT 244 + Regression
STAT 27855 Hypothesis Testing with Empirical Bayes Methodology Winter STAT 244

1 STAT 119 counts as one elective toward the Statistics minor only if students have also taken STAT 118, which itself doesn’t count toward the Statistics minor

Other Electives

Course Number Course Title Offered Quarter in 2024-25 Prerequisites
BUSN 41201=BUSN 20800 Big Data Winter STAT 224
BUSN 41204=BUSN 20810 Machine Learning Spring STAT 220+224 recommended
CHDV 20102=STAT 319 Introduction to Causal Inference Winter STAT 224
CHDV 32411=STAT 33211 Mediation, Moderation, and Spillover Effects Not Offered STAT 224
SOCI 20112 (Recommended!) Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models ??? STAT 224
SOCI 20253 (Recommended!) Introduction to Spatial Data Science Autumn STAT 220
DATA 271-2722 Data Science Clinic I-II Autumn-Winter *

2 The two courses DATA 271-272 only count as one elective to the STAT minor.

How Do Undergrads Enroll in Graduate Courses?

Several electives above have graduate courses numbers only but no undergraduate course numbers. Undergrads CANNOT see or enroll in these courses ONLINE at my.uchicago. Nonetheless, undergrads may enroll in graduate courses by instructor consent. To enroll in a Graduate course, please contact the instructor for permission to enroll and explain why you are interested in taking the course. The instructor might ask if you have the appropriate prerequisite for the course. If the instructor permits, you can download and fill out the printable consent form, send the filled form to the instructor by email or in person for a signature, and then deliver the signed form to the Registrar’s Office by email () or in person by the end of Week 3.