Use this site to help you plan your Statistics Minor degree program.
You will find information here about…
- The degree plan
- Course information
- Declaring your degree (by the end of your 3rd year)
- First, get advising from Yibi Huang (, the Adviser for
Statistics Minors. Yibi will discuss (by email or on Zoom or in person
if necessary) with you about the choice of the 5 courses in your degree
- Later, download “Minor Consent Form” from
under “Academic Forms & Petitions”
- Type your information into the form (listing only the 5 courses in
your degree plan)
- Email the completed form to Yibi Huang (
- If approved, Yibi will sign the form and email it to you. Please
send the form with Yibi’s signature to your College Adviser
- Confirm that your College Adviser responds that your form has been
- Check my.UChicago to confirm
your degree is officially declared by your College Adviser
- If you’d like to change your minor degree plan
after declaring your STAT minor, send an email to Yibi explaining how
you want to update your minor degree plan and get a new approval by
repeating the process above.
DISCLAIMER: These guidelines do not supersede or
replace the University’s offical publications on course prerequisites,
course offerings, or the Statistics Minor degree program description.
See the College
Catalog and my.UChicago for
Adviser for Statistics Minors: Yibi Huang,
Information valid as of