Please note the prerequisites in the tables below are just a summary. Please refer to the Statistics College Catalog for the detailed prerequisites and course descriptions. See Graduate Announcements for the detailed prerequisites and course descriptions of STAT 3XXXX courses.

How Do Undergrads Enroll in Graduate Courses? Several electives below have graduate courses numbers only. Undergrads CANNOT see or enroll in graduate courses ONLINE at my.uchicago. Nonetheless, undergrads may enroll in graduate courses by instructor consent. To enroll in a Graduate course, please contact the instructor of the course for permission to enroll and explain why you are interested in taking the course. The instructor might ask if you have the appropriate prerequisite for the course. If the instructor agrees, you can download and fill out the printable consent form, send the filled form to the instructor by email or in-person for a signature, and then delivered the signed form to the Registrar’s Office by email () or in-person by the end of Week 3.

Autumn 2024

List Course Number Course Title Notes/Prerequisites
A/B STAT 24630 Causal Inference Methods and Case Studies STAT 23400 + (STAT 251 or 24400)
A/B STAT 261 Time Dependent Data STAT 245
C6 STAT 27815 Practical R Programming STAT 220 or higher
C MATH 2351,2 Markov Chains, Martingales, and Brownian Motion STAT 251 or 244
C STAT 309 Mathematical Computation I: Matrix Computation Course STAT 243 + Some Statistics
C STAT 31001 Modern Applied Optimization
B STAT 331 Sample Surveys ?
C6 STAT 37830 Scientific Computing with Python
C STAT 38510 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus STAT 383 or MATH 312-313-314
C DATA 37711 = STAT 377115 Foundations of Machine Learning and AI - Part I Grad Course in Data Science
Instructor Consent Only
B PBHS 335 = STAT 358 Statistical Application STAT 224 or 226 or 227

1 Warning: Take at most one of MATH 235, STAT 253, or STAT 312
Students may count only one of the 3 courses: MATH 235, STAT 25300, or STAT 312, toward the Statistics major.

2 If MATH 235 is counted in place of STAT 251, then it cannot also count as an elective.

5 Do Not take both STAT 37710 & STAT 37711=DATA 37711
Students may count either STAT 37710 & STAT 37711=DATA 37711, but not both, toward the Stat major.

6 Do Not take both STAT 27815 & STAT 37830=CAAM 37830
Students may count either STAT 27815 & STAT 37830=CAAM 37830, but not both, toward the Stat major.

Winter 2025

List Course Number Course Title Prerequisites
B STAT 2263 Analysis of Categorical Data STAT 220 or 234 or 245
C STAT 2531 Introduction to Probability Models STAT 244 or 251
A/B STAT 27400 Nonparametric Inference STAT 244
B STAT 27410 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis (STAT 234 or 244) + (STAT 224 or 226 or 245)
C STAT 27725 = CMSC 254 Machine Learning STAT 27700 or 243 or 245
B STAT 27855 Hypothesis Testing with Empirical Bayes Methodology STAT 244 or 24410
C STAT 2804 Optimization MATH 205 + STAT 243
B STAT 30810 High Dimensional Time Series Analysis STAT 261
C STAT 31015 Mathematical Computation IIA: Convex Optimization STAT 309 or STAT 31430 or instructor consent
C STAT 31020 Mathematical Computation IIB: Nonlinear Optimization STAT 309 or STAT 31430 or instructor consent
C STAT 31511 Monte Carlo Simulation Multivariate calculus + linear algebra + elementary knowledge of ODE
C STAT 381 Measure-Theoretic Probability I STAT 304 or Instructor Consent
C STAT 390 Stochastic Calculus
B BUSN 41201 Big Data STAT 224
B BUSN 41910=STAT 33500 Time-Series Analysis for Forecasting and Model-Building BUSN 41901 or Instructor Consent
B PBHS 333=STAT 369 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis STAT 224+(226 or 227)
B PBHS 43010=STAT 35920 Applied Bayesian Modeling and Inference STAT 244-245
C TTIC 31020 Intro to Machine Learning
C TTIC 31230 Fundamentals of Deep Learning

1 Warning: Take at most one of MATH 235, STAT 253, or STAT 312
Students may count only one of the 3 courses: MATH 235, STAT 25300, or STAT 312, toward the Statistics major.

3 Warning: Do Not take both STAT 226 & STAT 227=PBHS 327
Students may count either STAT 226 or STAT 227=PBHS 327, but not both, toward the Stat major.

Spring 2025

List Course Number Course Title Prerequisites
B STAT 222 Linear Models and Experimental Design STAT 220 or 234 or 245
B STAT 227 = PBHS 3273 Biostatistical Methods STAT 224 or 245
C STAT 24310 Numerical Linear Algebra: An Introduction to Computation STAT 24300 or equivalent
A/B STAT 24620 Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Applications and Techniques STAT 245
A/B STAT 26300 Introduction to Statistical Genetics STAT 245
B STAT 27420 Introduction to Causality with Machine Learning STAT 245 or 27725
C STAT 2804 Optimization MATH 205 + STAT 243
C STAT 3121 Introduction to Stochastic Processes I STAT 251 or 244
B STAT 37601 = CMSC 25025 Machine Learning and Large-Scale Data Analysis (STAT 27700 or 27725) + STAT 244
C STAT 377105 Machine Learning
C STAT 383 Measure-Theoretic Probability III STAT 381
B TTIC 31180 Probabilistic Graphical Models Machine Learning

3 Warning: Do Not take both STAT 226 & STAT 227=PBHS 327
Students may count either STAT 226 or STAT 227=PBHS 327, but not both, toward the Stat major.

4 Warning: For the BA in Statistics, STAT 280 counts as a List C elective. For the BS in Statistics, STAT 280 counts as a List C elective only if MATH 211 is also included in the program. In other words, for the BS, students cannot double-count STAT 280 toward both the four-elective requirement and the requirement to take at least one of STAT 280 and MATH 211.

5 Do Not take both STAT 37710 & STAT 37711=DATA 37711
Students may count either STAT 37710 & STAT 37711=DATA 37711, but not both, toward the Stat major.

Electives for Statistics Major Not Offered in 2024-25

List Course Number Course Title Prerequisites
A/B STAT 27850 Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability STAT 244

Courses That Are NOT Electives for Statistics Major

Course Number Course Title
STAT 11800 Introduction to Data Science I
STAT 11900 Introduction to Data Science II
STAT 20000 Elementary Statistics
STAT 20010 Elementary Statistics Through Case Study
STAT 22000 Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 23400 Statistical Models and Methods
STAT 22810 = ENST 27400 = HLTH 20910 Epidemiology and Population Health
STAT 27700 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
STAT 28200 Dynamical Systems with Applications
STAT 29700 Undergraduate Research
STAT 29900 Bachelor’s Paper
STAT 31190 = CAAM 31190 Fast Algorithms
STAT 31250 = CAAM 31250 Mathematical Introduction to Topological Insulators
STAT 31410 = CAAM 31410 Applied Dynamical Systems
STAT 31430 = CAAM 31430 Applied Linear Algebra
STAT 31440 = CAAM 31440 Applied Analysis
STAT 31900 = CHDV 30102 = CHDV 20102 Introduction to Causal Inference
STAT 32400 = BUSN 41901 Probability and Statistics

DISCLAIMER: These guidelines do not supersede or replace the University’s offical publications on course prerequisites, course offerings, or the Statistics Major degree program description. See the College Catalog, Course Schedule, and my.UChicago for details.

Maintained by the Coordinator of Statistics Undergraduate Programs, Yibi Huang ()

Information valid as of November 22, 2024