KinInbcoefX Output File May 25, 2009 KinInbcoefX produces two output files, here called "outputfile" and "errorfile". 1. outputfile - a file giving the desired X-chromosome inbreeding and kinship coefficients 2. errorfile - a file giving information on any errors in pedigreefile, namely mismatches between a parent's mother/father status and female/male sex 1) outputfile For each individual i listed in the listfile, outputfile gives i's X-chromosome inbreeding coefficient and the X-chromosome kinship coefficients between i and any other members of i's family who are also listed in listfile. outputfile contains a rectangular array of numbers, with 4 columns, and with each row corresponding to a pair of individuals (including a row for each individual with him or herself). The four columns are, in the following order: Family ID, Individual 1 ID, Individual 2 ID, and, lastly, either the X-chromosome inbreeding coefficient if ID1 = ID2 or the X-chromosome kinship coefficient between individuals 1 and 2 if ID1 and ID2 are different. Example: 1 1 1 0.000000 1 1 2 0.500000 1 1 3 0.250000 1 2 2 1.000000 1 2 3 0.250000 1 3 3 0.000000 2 1 1 1.000000 2 1 2 0.000000 2 1 8 0.500000 2 1 9 0.500000 2 2 2 1.000000 2 2 8 0.250000 2 2 9 0.250000 2 8 8 0.000000 2 8 9 0.375000 2 9 9 0.000000 (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) Family ID (2) Individual 1 ID (3) Individual 2 ID (4) The X-chromosome inbreeding coefficient if ID1=ID2, the X-chromosome kinship coefficient otherwise 2) errorfile If pedigreefile lists an individual's father as female or mother as male, this error will be printed to the screen as: "Error: Individual i in family f has female father d" or "Error: Individual i in family f has male mother m", where i is the individual's ID, f is the individual's family's ID, d is the individual's father's ID, and m is the individual's mother's ID. errorfile contains a rectangular array of numbers, with 5 columns, and with each row describing an error of this type. The five columns are, in the following order: family ID, individual ID, ID of the individual's parent whose sex conflicts with mother/father status, the parent's status (1 for father, 2 for mother), and the parent's sex (1 for male, 2 for female). Example: Consider the example errors in pedigreefile described in Input.htm, which can be reached from the main KinInbcoefX page. In family 1, individual 2 has individual 1 listed as a father, but individual 1 is listed as female. In family 1, individual 2 has individual 4 listed as a mother, but individual 4 is listed as male. In family 2, individual 9 has individual 1 listed as a mother, but individual 1 is listed as male. errorfile would look like: 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 9 1 2 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) Family ID (2) Individual ID (3) Parent ID (4) Parent's Status (1 for father, 2 for mother) (5) Parent's Sex (1 for male, 2 for female) The program terminates after detecting all such errors.